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From Our Blog:
Methods for Getting the Custom Structure with Architects
You do not always have to have the boring architecture which is found in so many office buildings and office parks. You will be able to have exactly what you want by hiring an architect to provide you with everything that you will need to bring your vision to life. Of course, whenever you are working with these professionals, there are a few things that you will need to keep in mind. This will... Continue Reading

ThoughtSpace, pllc

431 Limestone
Lexington, KY

(859) 312-9176
(859) 552-6819
(859) 255-9464
Helping our customers in english. Certified interior designer, licensed contractor. Our specialties include commercial, residential, religious, retail, civic, healthcare, educational, industrial, governmental and recreational. We can assist you with architecture, interior design construction , full- service architecture firm, interior design, furniture design, construction , renovations, additions, remodeling, organization , restaurant and store design. We are a female owned owned operation. We've served industrial, residential and commercial customers. Open for business mon-sun: 08:00am-05:00pm.


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